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So I set up a Rust server. Well, for those of you who already knew this, it is nothing new. I play Rust and the server I used to play on with a few friends closed down.

So what is Rust?  Head on over to http://playrust.com to find out more.

Thus was born Ravenholme – named after Half-Life 2’s Ravenholm except in Rust. Nothing on the server resembles HL2 but I just liked the name.

Overall with Ravenholme, I tried to create a good community. The characteristics of Ravenholme are listed below. I want players to enjoy the game as much as I do and not have it a bloodbath like happens on some servers. So, if you like what you see here feel free to join my server. If you like the gameplay feel free to let your friends know.

A word of caution though – while I don’t ban players often I have will if a player cheats, is abusive, or becomes a little too bloodthirsty!

As the owner and primary Admin, I make every effort to not interfere with the natural evolution of the world or its inhabitants. Occasionally though I will inject a little piece of my own experimentation and thus my “kingdom” is highly protected.

If you like my server please vote for it on rust-servers.net

Rust Admins

Rust Admins can be found on the Rust Admin page.

Rules :

Please follow the rules listed below. Violators are subject to a server ban, especially #1.

  1. No PVP
  2. Respect other players and their bases [property, items, etc]
  3. No offensive language
  4. No hating
  5. No Cheating

Most Recent Update


Updated Plugins:

  • Sign Artist
  • Info Panel


In an effort to improve server performance, all old user data of users that have NOT logged in since 1/1/2023 will be removed on 5/1/2023. This removal will affect approximately 7,300 users’ data. If you do not want your data removed, please log in before this date.

Characteristics of Ravenholme:

  • Friendly server where we try to build a community
  • Admin Tickets
  • Auto Doors
  • Backpacks
  • Better Chat
  • Clans
  • Death Notes
  • Economics
  • x5Rates Gather Rates
  • Friends
  • HumanNPC
  • InfoPanel – currently broken
  • Insta-Craft
  • Inventory Guardian to restore items on person post-wipe
  • Kits – I albeit seem to have some issues with them
  • Managed Stack Sizes
  • NoDecay – well, on building structures above Twigs so I suggest you upgrade your structures above Twigs otherwise the natural server decay will get them. Also, as Facepunch adds decay on other things I haven’t found all of those yet.
  • Notifications
  • No Wipes unless required by FacePunch which appears to mostly happen on the 1st Thursday of each month when they change the protocol usually because of a big enough update that requires a wipe.
  • PlayerRankings
  • SignArtist
  • Skip Night Vote
  • Teleportation
  • TownTeleport
  • Zones
  • ZLevelsRemastered


I run RustIO Maps so you can see the live map at http://playrust.io/map/?rust.snaservices.com:28015. This should show you a current map.  Maps are rotated every month when FacePunch forces a server wipe – generally on the 1st Thursday of every month.

The map is dynamically generated by the Rust game and not static. I do change the seed every wipe so the layout is different to give some variety to the players.

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