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I’ve been doing recreational woodworking almost my entire life. I did not have any formal training until 1992 when I was a junior in high school. This is where I took a two-year vocational training course where we built 2 houses and did pretty much everything involved with them from laying out the dig site to finish carpentry.

During that time I worked in the instructor’s cabinet shop for two years plus some summers while I was away at college.

After this I took up small projects – mostly fixing or creating one-time items to fill a need such as a kitchen cabinet, kitchen cabinet doors, resizing various items, etc.

Within the past 3 to 4 years I have gotten more serious about my woodworking skills purchasing additional equipment for my shop and learning newer skills and techniques.

You can find some pictures of my current and past projects that I am doing or have worked on in the SBW Articles in the menu.

Current Projects

  • Slimline Pens
  • Cabinet Doors
  • Cutting Boards – Face, Edge, and End Grain
  • Roubo Workbench

Past Projects


While these are woods I have used in the past, I always looking to branch out. I used about 10% reclaimed and 90% new. I always try to minimize my scraps and use what scraps I do create in other projects.

  • Birch
  • Cedar
  • Maple
  • Pine
  • Oak (White and Red)
  • Walnut
  • Yellow Heart
  • Various Pen Blanks

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