So it has been a while since I posted anything. Rest assured nothing is wrong with me, I have just been busy over the holidays by which I mean Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.
Anyone how knows me knows that during this time I am obsessively cleaning my yard of fall foliage and prepping it for winter and well, Christmas lights.
My interest in Christmas lighting has been with me since I was a little child and well has only grown over the years. Now, it has blossomed into a large display – one that is peaceful and serene – not something flashy. This year, I had other elements to incorporate into my design as we are currently undergoing two bathroom rehabs so I could not resist decorating some temporary yard residents. After all, how else someone decorate a dumpster and a porta-potty. You can notice these elements begin to take affect through the different pictures below.
Below are some of the pictures I took of this years display. I try to not do the same thing multiple years and generally try to get more creative each year. I usually end up spending between 20-36 man hours which includes getting the lights out, stringing them and putting them away when over.