Category Archives: Woodworking

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SBW#1 & 2 – Crosscut Sled Part 1 & 2

SBW or Sean’s Basement Workshop is where I make and/or repair things.

This post is the first of hopefully many more to come where I show how-to guides and videos as well as other items that I have done in or around my home. Some may be in my basement workshop while others are not.

This article is about a Crosscut Sled I made for my table saw.  For years I have just used my table saw for ripping or cross cutting larger pieces of materials. But as time has continued the need to better stabilize any material I was cross cutting has become evident. No longer was my table saw factory’s miter gauge able to do this so I decided to build a medium – or at least that is what I like to size it as – Crosscut Sled.

This is a two part series because my camera died about half way through filming this and the second camera I used had a different resolution. So, in order to make the videos consistent there is a part 1 and part 2.

Here is what the finished product looks like.

From the back…20160103_142811-thumb

From the front…20160103_142827-thumb


Part 1 of the series can be found on my YouTube Channel with this link or you can watch the embedded video below.

Part 2 of the series can be found on my YouTube Channel with this link or you can watch the embedded video below.

Looking for athletic clothing? Try Baleaf BaleafReceive 10% off when you use my coupon code: SEANMOENKHOFF